Summer is a beautiful time of year, and with it comes hotter temperatures. Yes, it’s that time of year when it won’t be long before the real heat is here.
Even though our home furnaces/central air conditioners are new, they need care just like your car! We spend nearly 90% of our time indoors, so remember to get your furnace/AC cleaned, checked, and properly tuned. You don’t want to be left in the heat when you REALLY need your furnace/AC to be working properly!
You can save money on your energy bills with a properly tuned furnace/AC, not to mention the common sense approach to maintaining such a vital part of your home. Call RMB Plumbing & Heating for your spring 23 Point Precision Tune-Up today!
Here are some tips to soften the blow of higher utility bills:
- “Aprogrammable thermostat can save 10% or more on utility bills”
- “Have your furnace/AC checked by a professional”
- “Check your furnace filter monthly.”
- “Wash your AC condenser coil regularly.”
- “Check your fan blower belt for slack or damage.”
There are many ways to battle the rising costs to heat/cool your home this year. Give RMB Plumbing & Heating a call.
Even new equipment needs servicing. A small adjustment can save you on your utility bills. Also, a lot of repair and parts can be fixed on warranty. For this reason, we started The Diamond Club. Ask about our service club membership. For only pennies a day, you can protect your home from costly and annoying plumbing and heating problems.
As a “Diamond Club Member” you get:
- $200 in free service
- you go to the front of the line for your servicing needs
- you get 15%discount on all your repairs